Practice Format

**** Split practice sessions will begin once we have all barricades and signage in place. We are expecting to complete this in early June.

To provide the optimal experience for all riders, when more than 20 riders have been registered for a prepped practice or open ride we will split classes. Group A will run the first 20 minutes of each hour and Group B the remaining 40. 

On days when quads are allowed, the first 40 minutes of every hour will be dedicated to bikes and the last 20 minutes to quads. If there are more than 20 registered bikes, and bikes registered in both classes, we will split the 40 minute bike session as well.

Below is a description of our riding groups, you must select one on your registration sheet and will be given a wristband with a color that corresponds to your group.

• Group A – Mini riders and non-jumping 13 and older riders on full-size bikes. Any non-mini riders caught jumping obstacles during this riding session will be flagged off the track and bumped to Group B.

• Group B – Riders 13 and older on full-size motorcross bikes who would normally be classified as A, B or C riders.

• Group C
– Full size quads, this group will only be run on days that are specifically designated to allow quads. If the schedule does not indicate that quads will be allowed, it is not a quad day and quads are not allowed.

Peewee Track - Our small track is not a pitbike track, 13 and older riders are only allowed during our designated pitbike events regardless of what they are riding.  The peewee track will have its own dedicated wristband color, only registered peewee riders may ride on the peewee track.

The peewee track will remain an open track format. We ask that parents ensure that your children are respectful of other children and their skill/ability level.